In the daunting, isolating world of Entrepreneurs & Start-Up Founders, many people have a hard time getting the emotional support they need. Many of my clients who are Entrepreneurs and Start-up Professionals & Founders report being overwhelmed, without someone to turn to. They feel they can’t turn to their employees to vent, confide, or blow off steam lest they undermine the tenuous morale inherent in an environment with so much uncertainty. They can’t turn to their co-founders, investors or C-levels, lest they undermine the confidence their power-brokers invest in them. They can’t turn to their significant others more than they already do, knowing their work already intrudes on their relationships more than they, and especially their partners, would like.
It is with this dilemma in mind that I provide tailored services to this group. As an entrepreneur myself and a professional with experience supporting Start-Up Professionals making amazing ideas come to life in the vibrant Start-Up community of Denver/Boulder, I am committed to helping provide a safe, confidential space to get emotional support. This helps clients find calm, get centered, gain perspective, and re-focus before it takes a toll on their work and relationships. I bring my Communication, Conflict Resolution and Relationship Counseling skills to help colleagues, co-founders, and C-level professionals create and maintain the positive partnerships they want. Check out this short, interesting article about one partnership benefiting from “couples therapy.”
I am also organizing a confidential support group for Entrepreneurs, Start-Up Professionals and Founders to come together with others in their position, navigating the same turmoil, to create a safe, comfortable community. In this group, members will be able to express, share, listen, process, reflect, challenge, collaborate, and help support each other in growth. Through both of these paths, clients get to build their resilience to burn-out, bolster their stress management, and learn ways to manage distress as it comes up.
One of the most important, impactful strategies we work on is ‘widening the gap between stimulus and response’, as described and practiced in Nonviolent Communication, developed by Marshall Rosenberg: how do we become observers of the world around us and deliberately choose our responses? How can we see an event as it happens and choose our responses to effect the outcome positively?
If these skills and opportunities sound helpful to you, or might be for someone you know, please reach out and spread the word.
What else might be helpful for you to learn to manage the stress and fend off burnout? Let me know @FindYourMarbles