Getting Far, Far Away From It All
Published: December 2, 2011
Above is a link to a great intro article to the growing practice of isolating retreats. A wonderful read.
One aspect that catches my attention is that much of what is described here is similar to what people tend to imagine their vacations will be. Truth is, vacations are seldom calm, isolated, awareness and mindfulness building affairs. Even when it’s to a far-flung, desolate beach.
This is no vacation. This is hard work. As is stated in the article, it is troubling and challenging to separate. It can be disorienting, even physiologically. It shifts world-views, relationships and perspectives.
And the rapprochement can be delicate, if not strained, returning to old routines, past relationships with new scaffolding, efforts to re-shape them on re-discovered, or newly discovered needs.